# Fab week 1 I found this week to be a bit intemidating as software / web design in general and writing in particular is not my strong suit. Nothing to gain by waiting so I dove right in. Decided to start off with MKDocs as having that in place would make documentation of everything else easier. ## Installing MKDocs Started off trying to install MKDocs. I linked off the mkdocs website into the " getting started " page https://www.mkdocs.org/getting-started/  And from there moved to the installation guide at: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/installation/  **Problem #1 - no pip or python on my PC…..**   ## Installing Python Tried installing Python from the website www.python.org but once I got back into the CMD that did not seem to work  After trying different commands in the CMD terminal the windows app store python came up!!! and after installing the app from there things seems to get back on track After what I thought was success I seem to hit a wall to get more progress....  ## Visual Studio Next we needed to get IDE in place. This was very straight forward off the Visual Studio website https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/  ## Mattermost Got the link to set up Matter most. Followed direction for Windows install  Added the channel from the fab admin email and logged in using the Gitlab button  And we are good to go  ## GitLab This is a litte confusion but I fould a guide on https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/topics/git/how_to_install_git/ and decided to follow it. Step 1: Install GIT from https://git-scm.com/  Thanks I went ahead with the commands to install and create a key  Now I went ahead from Git Bash using the following command: ``` cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub | clip ``` Now the SSH was copied into my clipboard and the next step is to add that to GitLab Under profile--> prefrences there is an SSH Key option  and we are now goot to do...I think  So I decided to check but running the following command ``` ssh -T git@gitlab.fabcloud.org ```  Success!!!! So now it is time to clone the repository. The command itself seemed easy enough but I did have to try a number of times until I got the address correct.  So now it is time to access the local repo and see if I can update something I load Git Gui  It took my a bit of time to figure out were the repo cloned but I noticed it said "dan-stone" in the clone  A quick search located that folder in the top of the C: drive and so pointing the GitGui "open repo" got us rocking and rolling   ## Uploading my first website So I have been diligently in MKDocs and ignoring the parts of the documentation that talk about "build" command....i have been using ```mkdocs serve``` to start a local site that I can view and it all seems great. Well I decided to upload my website to git and it all seems simple enough.... I copy the MKDocs folder contents to the "Public Folder" in the repository and hit push GitGui give me back a "Success" green light and I hit the public website address to find  It seems that other folks in my class had a similar issue at the same time and a discussion on mkdocs vs. html made me realize that I should probably go back and revisit the ```mkdocs build``` command. I get a folder named "site" filled with html files of my website. I quickly drop these files into my "Public folder" of the repository and commeit a push.... Success....kinds of....web site is up but no picture are showing .....  I do some more research and looks like what I thought was the syntaxt for a relative pic link was not right. I kept using `````` but is should be `````` Qucik correct, new build and upload and we are good to go!!