#  USB-D11C-serial with 1x6 Through hole Pin and USB-A connector

## Why?

- 1x6 SMD angle pinheader is easy to break
- PCB USB-A does not gives stable connection

## What need?
- 1x6 L Through hole pinheader
- USB-A connector


## PNGs

### Original + holes


### Save 0ohm resistor
traces|holes|interior|holes + interior
![](../images/USB-D11C-serial-TH/hello.D11C.serial.5V.save-0ohm.traces.png)|   ![](../images/USB-D11C-serial-TH/hello.D11C.serial.5V.1.1.holes.png)|![](../images/USB-D11C-serial-TH/hello.D11C.serial.5V.1.1.interior.png)|![](../images/USB-D11C-serial-TH/USB-D11C-serial_holes_outline.png)

Download [CDR](../images/USB-D11C-serial-TH/USB-D11C-serial_TH.cdr)

## milled

### Original + holes


### Save 0ohm resistor

comming soon