# 17. Invention, intellectual property and income ## Schedule - May 18: applications and implications - May 25: invention, intellectual property, and income - Jun 01: project development - Jun 13 (Mon) - Jun 29: local evaluation to global evaluation deadline  ## Bali Fab Fest - Oct 12 - 22, 2022 - Bali, Indonesia - October 15: graduation - [site](https://bali.fabevent.org/) - [DISCOUNT TICKETS // Bali Fab Event](https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/academany/fabacademy/2022/class/-/issues/15) ## Assignment > develop a plan for dissemination of your final project prepare drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080) and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB) and put them in your root directory ## Todo ### Drafts of summary slide - presentation.png - 1920x1080 ### Drafts of video clip - presentation.mp4 - 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB ### Root directory #### Mkdocs ``` ├── docs │ ├── index.md │ ├── presentation.png │ ├── presentation.mp4 ├── mkdocs.yml └── requirements.txt ``` ### Links of slide and video [Fab Academy 2022](https://fabacademy.org/2022/) > [Presentations](https://finalprojects.fabacademy.org/#/schedule/2022) ### ffmpeg [week1](./week01.md#ffmpeg)