diff --git a/assignment/assignment1.html b/assignment/assignment1.html
index 86dcfaf1ec83bcae613a6328f071e371a38a086d..80b2010d6839b8c3764e7f2a64126142eed34c48 100644
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 								   consumption and less exposure to smoke, especially women responsible for daily cooking in the indoor kitchen. </strong></p>
+								   <h3 style="color:crimson"> <strong>Idea 2: Solar Powered Smart Kitchen Chimney </strong> </h3> <br>
+								   <h4>Scope of the Project </h4>
+								<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> •In India, the biomass is used for generation of heat for cooking process. <br>
+                                  •	In rural area, the biomass is available in huge quantity.<br>
+                                  •	The burning of biomass, can release smoke and high concentration of particulate matter. <br>
+                                  •	 Which dangerous for health of person working in kitchen and person who will come contact with the smoke. <br>
+                                  •	So, it is necessity to absorb this smoke from kitchen, before it gets add into the atmosphere. </strong></p>
+								   <br> <br> 
+								   <h4>Abstarct </h4>
+								<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> A smart kitchen chimney uses the solar energy as a power source the run the DC
+								fan of the chimney. When the smokes come in contact with the sensor of chimney, the signal will gets to Arduino microcontroller,
+								the exhaust fan will get operate, which can absorb the smoke from kitchen and send it into carbon  charcoal filter where the carbon
+								and other hazardous gases will get absorbs and the smoke will exhausted into the atmosphere. </strong></p>
+								<br> <br> 
+								<h4>Introduction</h4>
+								<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> The chimney is the passage through which smoke and combustion gas escape from workplace
+								to outer environment. The existing chimneys are operated based on AC source which is more  costlier and some places the electricity is not available. 
+								In order to overcome this difficulty our entire system works on DC source.
+								From solar panels we get sufficient DC supply to operate the entire system. Solar energy is a renewable energy which we can generate at low cost.<br>
+								The normal exhaust fans in household as well as in all other workplaces have a manual speed control system. it is regulated using a rotary switch which
+								internally involves a potentiometer, the potentiometer adjusts current flow to the exhaust fan and hence, 
+								the speed is adjusted this system creates a few problems in terms of user comfort. To avoid this automatic on/off control technique is implemented
+								in our proposed system. <br>
+								The automatic on/off control process of exhaust fan is made by Arduino microcontroller and smoke sensor. The smoke sensor detect the smoke more 
+								accurately and send required data to exhaust fan module and the fan get operate. </strong></p>
+								<br> <br>
+								<h4>Sketch of project </h4>
+								<div class="row">
+                    <div class="col">
+                        <div class="card text-center">
+                            <div class="oval"><img src="img/abc2.jpg" width="60%"
+                                   height="300" class="svg__image"> </div>
+								   <br> <br>
+								<h4>Block diagram of Project </h4>
+								<div class="row">
+                    <div class="col">
+                        <div class="card text-center">
+                            <div class="oval"><img src="img/abc3.jpg" width="60%"
+                                   height="300" class="svg__image"> </div>
+								   <br> <br>
 									<h2 style="color:blueviolet">Website Development</h2>
diff --git a/assignment/assignment2.html b/assignment/assignment2.html
index 0514fd4eaeb36eaca37c3cf561af631b88537697..80e44bcdc06073ba7826e661e7126ab731d9b7d9 100644
--- a/assignment/assignment2.html
+++ b/assignment/assignment2.html
@@ -97,13 +97,22 @@
 								   <br> <br>
 								    <h4> 2. GIMP Software</h4> 
 								   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> It is a GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is used for photo retouching, image composition and image
-                                    authoring.									
+                                    authoring.	I have installed GIMP 2.10.14 software. Here i have editing the picture of my sister by using ajust color curve, brightness and 
+									contrast, hue saturation command.								
+								   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Before </strong></p>
 								  	   <div class="row">
                                        <div class="col">
                                        <div class="card text-center">
-                                       <div class="oval"><img src="img/Screenshot_28.png" width="75%"
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="img/Screenshot_39.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="300" class="svg__image"> </div>
+								   <br> <br>
+								   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> After </strong></p>
+								   <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="img/Screenshot_40.png" width="75%"
                                    height="300" class="svg__image"> </div>
 								   <br> <br>
 								 <h4> Vector 2D Design </h4>
diff --git a/assignment/img/Screenshot_39.png b/assignment/img/Screenshot_39.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5f1ff98842eb6783181948ab1339ad806581efd
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignment/img/Screenshot_39.png differ
diff --git a/assignment/img/Screenshot_40.png b/assignment/img/Screenshot_40.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff8a5efd568176f40e988d809be0419144b5dbd0
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignment/img/Screenshot_40.png differ
diff --git a/assignment/img/abc2.jpg b/assignment/img/abc2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..45c38d0810164b5d2bf810e4ea33a6657d6bd19b
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignment/img/abc2.jpg differ
diff --git a/assignment/img/abc3.jpg b/assignment/img/abc3.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4898bbbf8ba585d223669428eae0ff91e8225bbc
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignment/img/abc3.jpg differ