diff --git a/assignment/assignment10.html b/assignment/assignment10.html
index 4712249edd7ae6ea10084a3dc28b9e47130ffd15..e6d9fe2aebe8439ab7268a9fe4c581e8036b4f03 100644
--- a/assignment/assignment10.html
+++ b/assignment/assignment10.html
@@ -105,7 +105,16 @@ For more details about group task <a href="http://fabacademy.org/2020/labs/vigya
 								   <h4 id="smoke"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Smoke Sensor with Arduino Board</strong>  </h4>  
 								   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>The smoke sensor is connected to Arduino board. The sensor has 6 pin on two side. 3 pin from one side is connnected to power. From other side, one 
-pin is connected GND and two are signal pin. One is analog signal and other is digital signal. Analog pin is connected to A0 analog port on Arduino board.   </strong> </p>
+pin is connected GND and two are signal pin. One is analog signal and other is digital signal. Analog pin is connected to A0 analog port on Arduino board.</strong> </p>
+<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a9_37.jpg" width="75%"
+                                   height="300" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> 
+									    <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>H -Pins: Out of the two H pins, one pin is connected to supply and the other to ground. <br>
+										A-Pins: The A pins and B pins are interchangeable. These pins will be tied to the Supply voltage. <br>
+										B-Pins: The A pins and B pins are interchangeable. One pin will act as output while the other will be pulled to ground.</strong> </p>
  <div class="row">
                                        <div class="col">
                                        <div class="card text-center">
@@ -141,8 +150,12 @@ pin is connected GND and two are signal pin. One is analog signal and other is d
                                    height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
 									  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Here is the video of connection and simulation.  </strong> </p>
-									  <body>  <iframe width="700" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DKC_Ak6tos8"></iframe> </body> 
-									  <br><br>
+									   <body> 
+                                      <video controls="controls" width="73%"   height="350">
+									  <source src="video/a10_4.m4v"  >
+									   </video>
+									   </body>
+									<br> <br>
 									  <h4 id="motion"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>PIR Sensor with Arduino Board</strong>  </h4>  
 								   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic sensor that measures infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field of view. They are most often used in PIR-based motion detectors. PIR sensors are commonly used in security alarms and automatic lighting applications.
@@ -171,8 +184,12 @@ the board. When the object is detected, the LED will blink.   </strong> </p>
                                    height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
 									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Here is the video of connection and simulation.  </strong> </p>
-									  <body>  <iframe width="700" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/iAcR2FcdjGw"></iframe> </body> 
-									  <br><br>
+									  <body> 
+                                      <video controls="controls" width="74%"   height="350">
+									  <source src="video/a10_2.m4v"  >
+									   </video>
+									   </body>
+									<br> <br>
                                 <h4 id="light"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Light Sensor with Arduino Board</strong>  </h4>  
 								<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> The light sensor is a passive devices that convert this “light energy” whether visible or in the infra-red parts of the spectrum into an electrical signal output. 
 								Light sensors are more commonly known as “Photoelectric Devices” or “Photo Sensors” because the convert light energy (photons) into electricity (electrons).<br>
@@ -224,13 +241,13 @@ the board. When the object is detected, the LED will blink.   </strong> </p>
                                    height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
 									  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Here is the video of connection and simulation.  </strong> </p>
-									  <iframe width="700" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/P_qkoKYS8q8"> </iframe>  
-									  <br> <br>
-									  <h4 id="ultrasonic"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino Board</strong>  </h4>
-									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>Now I have availed the ultrasonic sensor and Arduino board at home. So I am trying to make the connection and write the programm for 
-to read the sensor and print it on serial on monitor. Here I am putting the video of the connection and reading on serial monitor.  </strong> </p>
-<iframe width="700" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ENyzdDja-iE"> </iframe>  
-									  <br> <br>
+									 <body> 
+                                      <video controls="controls" width="74%"   height="350">
+									  <source src="video/a10_3.m4v"  >
+									   </video>
+									   </body>
+									<br> <br>
 									   <h4 id="design"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Design of Smoke Sensor Board</strong>  </h4>
 									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> For final project, i have required smoke sensor, to sense the smoke get exhausted from the burning of fuel in kitchen for cooking.
 When the sensor sense the smoke, it will gives signal to the microcontroller and fan of the chimeny will get start. The smoke from the kitchen will get exhausted to the outside. So here i am trying to develope the board of 
@@ -419,8 +436,12 @@ Firstly I open the Arduino IDE, the open the File>Example>Basic>Blink. The basic
                                    height="400" class="svg__image"> </div>
 									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> The final video of testing is here </strong> </p>
-									   <iframe width="700" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/7UtFZkev9w8"> </iframe>  
+									    <body> 
+                                      <video controls="controls" width="74%"   height="350">
+									  <source src="video/a10_1.mp4"  >
+									   </video>
+									   </body>
+									<br> <br>
 <								 <p style="justify-content: center"><strong></strong> </p>
 									 <h4 id="What i learn" style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong> What i learn? </strong> </h4>
diff --git a/assignment/debug.log b/assignment/debug.log
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--- a/assignment/debug.log
+++ /dev/null
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-[1014/130725.424:ERROR:directory_reader_win.cc(43)] FindFirstFile: The system cannot find the path specified. (0x3)
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index bbcdae3b0498abb27aa75e7c85365618576bb257..25f81a6d26eb59d0d7b285f340d0c810619c7c8a 100644
Binary files a/assignment/file/file10.zip and b/assignment/file/file10.zip differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bda95ff70b35c6f94d6c2bfe4d6c73ead58f615b
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignment/image/a9_37.jpg differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bbaab613eb277e56342bba6668f05e8e73266920
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignment/video/a10_1.mp4 differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f69b8f27240d35026cbd7b37b4578baac7d4dd8
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignment/video/a10_2.m4v differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf404aafb9cfc6e4f6858706e98ea9a795fc562f
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignment/video/a10_3.m4v differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bb23a60f9c45f6cac6f612766cfeaf7b54fb115f
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignment/video/a10_4.m4v differ
diff --git a/debug.log b/debug.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17c8af25892bcb026c7a5f4de03f69c16c56584a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debug.log
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+[1016/071601.828:ERROR:directory_reader_win.cc(43)] FindFirstFile: The system cannot find the path specified. (0x3)
+[1016/135423.588:ERROR:filesystem_win.cc(129)] GetFileAttributes C:\Users\nmore\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Crashpad\attachments\bc49579a-5091-4f13-becb-556c7f5ace8f: The system cannot find the path specified. (0x3)
diff --git a/my project.html b/my project.html
index b7f5dc13d0568ebd76d7f07b11b427bc26524c1b..dc18d79fe980205b73acc46d0072233c47b5b208 100644
--- a/my project.html	
+++ b/my project.html	
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ The smoke sensor is connected by wire to the board and the final board is here.
                                    height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
-<h4 id="programm"><strong>Programming the Board </strong> </h4>
+<h4 id="programming"><strong>Programming the Board </strong> </h4>
 <p> <strong> Here I have created the programm in Arduino IDE, The borad has smoke sensor as a input and fan & LED is output. The LED and Fan will get HIGH when the smoke sensor read the value =>620. else it is LOW.
 Firstly select the board, Processor, clock and programmer in tool menu.
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ Firstly select the board, Processor, clock and programmer in tool menu.
                                    height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
 								<br> <br>
-					<br> <br>	<h4 id="programm"><strong>Design in Software </strong> </h4>
+					<br> <br>	<h4 id="design"><strong>Design in Software </strong> </h4>
 <p> <strong> The design of the smart kitchen chimeny is created usign FreeCAD software. Firstly I have created part seperatlly in software and finally assembled then A2plus workbench in software. </p> </strong> 		
 	<div class="row">
                     <div class="col">
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ Firstly select the board, Processor, clock and programmer in tool menu.
                             <div class="oval"><img src="img/p_27.jpg" width="80%"
                                    height="80%" class="svg__image"> </div>
 								<br> <br>
-								<h4 id="reference"><strong>Packaging Box</strong></h4>
+								<h4 id="packaging"><strong>Packaging Box</strong></h4>
 								<p> <strong>  For the packaging of electronic circuit on the chimeny, box of Acrylic sheet is developed on Laser cutting machine. Here is the photo during cutting the part of the box.</strong></p> 
 								<div class="row">
                     <div class="col">
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ Firstly select the board, Processor, clock and programmer in tool menu.
                             <div class="oval"><img src="img/p_29.jpg" width="80%"
                                    height="80%" class="svg__image"> </div>
 								<br> <br>
-								<h4 id="reference"><strong>3D Printing of Sensor Casing</strong></h4>
+								<h4 id="printing"><strong>3D Printing of Sensor Casing</strong></h4>
 								<p> <strong> Now I have to mount the smoke sensor on the body of chimney. It may comes with the contact with smokes, so we decided to develop the casing for smoke sensor. 
 								The design of the casing is developed in FreeCAD software. There are two parts of the casing 1. Box 2. plate. It will assembled with the help of nut bolt.
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ Firstly select the board, Processor, clock and programmer in tool menu.
                             <div class="oval"><img src="img/p_33.jpg" width="80%"
                                    height="80%" class="svg__image"> </div>
 								<br> <br>
-								<h4 id="reference"><strong>Connection and Testing</strong></h4>
+								<h4 id="connection"><strong>Connection and Testing</strong></h4>
 								<p> <strong> The following connection is made for testing: <br>
 								The smoke sensor is attached with the microcontroller board. It is act as a input devices to the board <br>
 								The relay is connected to the board is act as a output device. <br>
@@ -400,13 +400,17 @@ Firstly select the board, Processor, clock and programmer in tool menu.
 									<br> <br>
-								<h4 id="reference"><strong>Final Presentation</strong></h4>
+								<h4 id="final"><strong>Final Presentation</strong></h4>
 								<div class="col">
                         <div class="card text-center">
                             <div class="oval"><img src="img/p_20.png" width="80%"
                                    height="80%" class="svg__image"> </div>
 								<br> <br>
-								<iframe width="700" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/GxsFQeJ4tAY"> </iframe> 
+								<body> 
+                                      <video controls="controls" width="80%"   height="400">
+									  <source src="./presentation.mp4"  >
+									   </video>
+									   </body>
 	<h4 id="reference"><strong>References</strong></h4>
 								<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> [1]Yu, X. J., Yang, M. J., Zhou, B., Wang, G. Z., Huang, Y. C., Wu, L. C., ... & Gao, X. H. (2015). Characterization of somatic mutations
 								in air pollution-related lung cancer. EBioMedicine, 2(6), 583-590 <br> [2]Gao, J., Cao, C., Zhang, X., & Luo, Z. (2013). Volume-based size distribution of accumulation and coarse particles 
@@ -429,9 +433,13 @@ Firstly select the board, Processor, clock and programmer in tool menu.
 									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#block">Block Diagram of Project</a> </li><br>
 									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#literature">Literature Survey </a> </li><br>
 									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#component">Component of Project </a> </li><br>
-									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#input">Input Device Board</a> </li><br>
-									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#output">Output Device Board</a> </li><br>
-									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#programm">Programm for Project</a> </li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#input">Input Board</a> </li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#programming">Programming the Board</a> </li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#design">Design in Software</a> </li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#packaging">Packaging Box</a> </li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#printing">3D Printing of Sensor Casing</a> </li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#connection"> Connection and Testing</a> </li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#final">Final Presentation</a> </li><br>
 									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#reference">References</a> </li><br>
diff --git a/student agreement.txt b/student agreement.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b518f6db18ab2bdd4a15eb714464c903a1f0049f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/student agreement.txt	
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+**Fab Academy Student Agreement**
+*The Fab Academy is responsible for:*
+- Teaching principles and practices of digital fabrication
+- Arranging lectures, recitations, meetings, and events for the class
+- Evaluating and providing feedback on student work
+- Offering clear standards for completing assignments
+- Certifying and archiving student progress
+- Supervising class preparation
+- Reviewing prospective students, instructors, and labs
+- Providing central staff and infrastructure for students, instructors, and labs
+- Fund-raising for costs not covered by student tuition
+- Managing and reporting on the program's finances, results, and impacts
+- Publicizing the program
+- Promoting a respectful environment free of harassment and discrimination
+*I am a Fab Academy student, responsible for:*
+- Attending class lectures and participating in reviews
+- Developing and documenting projects assigned to introduce and demonstrate skills
+- Honestly reporting on my work, and appropriately attributing the work of others
+- Working safely
+- Leaving workspaces in the same (or better) condition than I found them
+- Participating in the upkeep of my lab
+- Ensuring that my tuition to cover local and central class costs is covered
+- Promoting a respectful environment free of harassment and discrimination
+Signed by committing this file in my repository,
+(Nikhilkumar More)
\ No newline at end of file