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+									<h2 style="color:blueviolet">Electronics Design</h2>
+									<h4 id="5-Week Task" style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>6-Week Task</strong>  </h4>
+									<p style="justify-content: center"><strong>  group project:use the test equipment in your lab to observe the operation of a microcontroller circuit board <br>
+                                     individual project: redraw an echo hello-world board, add (at least) a button and LED (with current-limiting resistor), check the design rules, make it, and test it
+                                         extra credit: simulate its operation</strong> </p>
+									<h4 id="Introduction" style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Introduction </strong>  </h4>
+								<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> An electronic circuit consists of various electronic components like resistors, capacitor, diodes and transistors connected by a wire, 
+								through which current flows in the circuit. Nowadays, instead of connecting the components through a wire, components are soldered to the interconnections which are created on the printed
+								circuit board (PCB) to form a finished circuit. A schematic circuit diagram is the representation of components and interconnections in a circuit using standardised symbols without using the
+								actual image of the component. Circuit diagrams are used for design, construction and maintenance of the electrical and electronic equipment. <br>
+							  	   </strong> </p>
+								   <br> <br>
+								   <h4 id="Individual Assignment"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Individual Assignment </strong>  </h4>  
+								   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>The task for the week is to redraw an echo hello-world board, provided by Fab Academy and add (at least) a button and LED (with current-limiting resistor), check the design rules, make it, and test it
+                                   So to redraw the echo hello-world, I used Eagle software and also i am tried Easy Eda software.   </strong>  </p> <br> <br>
+								 <h4 id="design"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong> Redrawing of Echo Hello-World Board</strong>  </h4>
+								 <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Firstly i downloaded the Eagle software and installed it. Then i have download the Fab  libraries from the given link. 
+                                Extracted the folder in a my documents folder.  </strong>  </p>
+								 <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_44.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Now i refer the list of microcontroller, given by Fab Academy, searched its details, The ATtiny44 microcontroller has 14 pins, which is suitable
+                                    for my project work. So i choose ATtiny44 microcontroller for my Echo hello-world board. I refered the this png image. </strong>  </p>
+									  <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_2.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Now i opened the Eagle software, installed the Fab libraries in the software.</strong>  </p>
+									  <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_4.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_3.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> For schematic diagram, i have taken the components, required for circuit from the Fab Library.</strong>  </p>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_45.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									    <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Now connected all the components as per the given diagram. I have extra added one button and one LED with resistor, it is connected to microcontroller.
+										Before the connection i have refer the pin diagram of IC, which is the I/O port and other.</strong></p>
+										 <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_37.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+										<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> List of the components used in my Echo Hello-World board is 1. A capacitor-01 Nos. 2. A resistor-03 Nos.
+                                        3. A resonator-01 Nos. 4. A LED- 01 Nos. 5. Pin Header- 01 Nos. 6. A switch -01 Nos. 7. ATtiny44 microcontroller									
+										</strong></p>
+										 <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_5.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> For schematic diagram, i have taken the components, required for circuit from the Fab Library. Connected all the components
+									  as per the given diagram.</strong>  </p>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_7.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>After this, now its time to create the board and arrange all the components properly. So i click at "Genearte/switch to board". Now the board is created like this.</strong>  </p>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_6.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									 <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>Now moved the circuit on board and arranging the components properly so that the track can not be overlap each other. </strong>  </p>
+                                    <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_8.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>Now I am trying to create the path by using "autorouter" option. For that i am set width of path and width of clearance. Firstly click on 
+                                     Edit>Net classes>rules>width and clearance.  </strong>  </p>
+                                    <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_9.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_10.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									    <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Then click on Autorouter option. </strong>  </p>
+										<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_11.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_12.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> But the Autorouter is not functioning, So now click on tool>ERC>the ERC errors will get open> resolve the errors>in my case power pin is not connected
+									  to VCC and GND is also not connected. so i reconect this all one</strong>  </p>
+										<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_13.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_14.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Now all the errors are resolved.  </strong>  </p>
+										<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_15.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>Again i have tried for autorounting. But its not functioning. I have tried to resolve this issue but did not resolved.
+                                  Then i decided to go for manual rounting. Now i start manual rounting	   </strong>  </p>
+										<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_16.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_17.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> There is issue of way for one path. so i made small changes in schematic diagram. In ATtiny44 IC the PA and PB ports 
+                                     are input/output so its possible to change the pin in between this ports.	Also the resonator is connected GND(Ground) of IC.  </strong>  </p>
+										<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_18.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> The board is ready now. I am adjusting the border of the board by clicking the move button on left side. </strong>  </p>
+										<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_19.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Added my name and board name by clicking on text option on the left side. </strong>  </p>
+										<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_20.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> After brainstorming for long time still there is one jumper in the circuit, there is a need of wire to connect. so i talk with my instructor about this issue
+                                    He suggest me to use 0 ohm resistor, so added this one in schematic diagram and make this changes on board.		  </strong>  </p>
+										<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_21.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Now its time to export the image, so i made layer setting to erase the name of components from the top of PCB </strong>  </p>
+										<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_22.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Click file menu>export>image>image setting>ok. Same i have exported the png image of border also.By doing changes in layer
+                                      i have exported the image for cut also.  </strong>  </p>
+										<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_23.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_24.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> The final png image for milling is this.  </strong>  </p>
+										<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_25.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_26.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> The SRM-20, milling machine read the rml file. so i have to convert the png image into rml file. so i used modes provided by Fab Academy
+                                      The details of "how to use the modes" that i have explained in Assignment4. <br> Open the modes>select the png file.  </strong>  </p>
+										<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_27.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Select the tools (For trace 1/64 inch tool and for cut 1/32 inch tool) and click on calculate  </strong>  </p>
+										<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_28.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									    <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Add new model for save the file>connect the input of this model to output of milling machine>save the file </strong>  </p>
+										<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_29.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a6_30.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <html>
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+<h4 id="Individual Assignment"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>PCB Milling</strong>  </h4>  
+								   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>The PCB milling is done on the SRM-20 milling machine. The following images shows the different process during PCB milling </strong>  </p> 
+<div class="row">
+<div class="column">
+    <img src="image/a6_31.jpg" alt="Snow" style="width:100%">
+  </div>
+  <div class="column">
+    <img src="image/a6_32.jpg" alt="Snow" style="width:100%">
+  </div>
+    <div class="column">
+    <img src="image/a6_33.jpg" alt="Snow" style="width:100%">
+  </div>
+  <div class="column">
+    <img src="image/a6_34.jpg" alt="Forest" style="width:100%">
+  </div>
+    <div class="column">
+    <img src="image/a6_35.jpg" alt="Mountains" style="width:100%">
+  </div>
+  <div class="column">
+    <img src="image/a6_36.jpg" alt="Mountains" style="width:100%">
+  </div>
+<br> <br>
+<h4 id="Individual Assignment"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Components Selection and Soldering</strong>  </h4>  
+								   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> For component selection i refer the Fab Academy Board. The following components i have taken <br>
+                                     1. ATtiny44 IC - 01 Nos.
+									 2. Resonator 20M - 01 Nos.
+									 3. FTDI 06 Pin - 01 Nos.
+									 4. 6 pin header - 01 Nos.
+									 5. Capacitor - 01 Nos. 
+									 6. Resistor (For capacitor)100 Ohm - 01 Nos.
+									 7. Green LED (25mA) - 01 Nos.
+									 8. Resistor (For LED) 5V/0.025A=200 Ohm But in 499 Ohm resisitor is available - 01 Nos.
+                                     9.	Button (4pin) - 01 Nos.								 
+									 This components is soldered on the PCB.
+								   </strong>  </p>
+								   <div class="row">
+<div class="column">
+    <img src="image/a6_38.jpg" alt="Snow" style="width:100%">
+  </div>
+  <div class="column">
+    <img src="image/a6_39.jpg" alt="Snow" style="width:100%">
+  </div>
+    <div class="column">
+    <img src="image/a6_40.jpg" alt="Snow" style="width:100%">
+  </div>
+  </div>
+  <br> <br>
+  <h4 id="Individual Assignment"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Connections and Conductivity Testing</strong>  </h4>  
+								   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> The conductivity of the board is tested  with help of Megger make Multimeter. Everything is fine</strong>  </p>
+<div class="row">
+<div class="column">
+    <img src="image/a6_41.jpg" alt="Snow" style="width:100%">
+  </div>
+  <div class="column">
+    <img src="image/a6_42.jpg" alt="Snow" style="width:100%">
+  </div>
+    <div class="column">
+    <img src="image/a6_43.jpg" alt="Snow" style="width:100%">
+  </div>
+  </div>
+<br> <br>
+								   <br> <br>
+									  <h4 id="What i learn" style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong> What i learn? </strong> </h4>
+								 <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> I am learn about <br></strong> </p>
+									  <a style="color:mediumvioletred" class="btn-new rom-middle animated" href="./file/file5.zip">Download my original file here</a> <br> <br>
+									  <p>Go to the <a href="#Introduction">top</a></p>
+								  </section>
+						           </div>
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+								<header>
+									<h2>Content</h2>
+								</header>
+								<ul class="style1">
+								<li class="first"><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#5-Week Task">6-Week Task</a> </li> <br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#Individual Assignment"> Individual Assignment</a> </li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#design">Redrawing of Board</a></li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#printing">PCB Milling</a> </li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#explaination">Components Selection and Soldering</a></li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#scanning"> Connections and Conductivity Teasting</a> </li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#What I learn"> What I learn?</a> </li><br>
+								</ul>
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+								<li class="first"><a href="assignment5.html">Assignment 5</a></li> <br>
+								<li class="first"><a href="assignment4.html">Assignment 4</a></li> <br>
+								<li class="first"><a href="assignment3.html">Assignment 3</a></li> <br>
+								<li class="first"><a href="assignment2.html">Assignment 2</a></li> <br>
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+									<li><a href="assignment18.html">Assignment 18</a></li> <br>
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