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               <header><h3 class="tm-bg-white 2"> <a href="assignment12.html"> Assignment 12 </a> </h3>
                <h3 class="tm-bg-white2"> <a href="assignment12.html">Output Devices</a></h3> </header>
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               <header><h3 class="tm-bg-white 2"> <a href="assignment13.html"> Assignment 13 </a> </h3>
-               <h3 class="tm-bg-white2"> <a href="assignment13.html">Molding and Casting</a></h3> </header>
+               <h3 class="tm-bg-white2"> <a href="assignment13.html">Invention, Intellectual Property and Income</a></h3> </header>
           <img src="img/CAD.jpg" alt="Lights" style="width:100%">
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               <header><h3 class="tm-bg-white 2"> <a href="assignment18.html"> Assignment 18 </a> </h3>
-               <h3 class="tm-bg-white2"> <a href="assignment18.html">Invention, Intellectual Property and Income</a></h3> </header>
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+								<h2 style="color:purple">Output Devices</h2>
+									<h4 id="Week Task" style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Week Task</strong>  </h4>
+									<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> individual assignment:add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed and program it to do something <br>
+                                    group assignment:measure the power consumption of an output device </strong> </p>
+									<h4 id="Introduction" style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Introduction </strong>  </h4>
+								<p style="justify-content: center"><strong>An Electronic System or circuit must be able or capable to “do” something and Sensors and Transducers are the perfect components for doing this. 
+								Devices which perform an “Input” function are commonly called Sensors because they “sense” a physical change in some characteristic that changes in response to some excitation, for example heat or force
+								and covert that into an electrical signal. Devices which perform an “Output” function are generally called Actuators and are used to control some external device, for example movement or sound.</strong> </p>
+								 <div class="row">
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+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_1.gif" width="90%"
+                                   height="250" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> 
+								 <h4 id="different"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Different Output Devices</strong>  </h4>  
+								   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Following are the some input and output devices use in electronics circuit: <br></strong> </p>
+                                      <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_2.png" width="60%"
+                                   height="450" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> 
+								   <h4 id="individual"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Individual Assignment</strong>  </h4>  
+								   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> The task for the week is to add an output device to a microcontroller board we have designed and program it to do something
+Due to COVID-19, Govt. of India announced the Lockdown from 22 March 2020 to 3 May 2020. The end date is also depends on the position of COVID-19. So this assignment is in between this period. Currentlly i dont have lab acess right now.
+So i am trying this assignment using TinkerCAD software. The board is also i have design in Eagle software. The machining i will do when i will be Lab.</strong> </p> <br> <br>
+  <h4 id="servo"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>1. DC Servo Motor with Arduino Board</strong>  </h4>  
+  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>Any electrical motor can be utilized as servo motor if it is controlled by servomechanism. Likewise, if we control a DC motor by means of servomechanism, it would be referred 
+  as DC servo motor. Here i have connected this motor to arduino board for the rotation of shaft in between 1 to 179 degree angular rotation.There are three pin for connection 1. Ground 2. Power 3. Signal. Following image shows the connection.   </strong> </p> 
+		<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_3.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> 	<br>
+<p style="justify-content: center"><strong>The programm for the motor rotation with the help of block. Which is as follows   </strong> </p> 
+		<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_4.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> 	<br>
+<p style="justify-content: center"><strong>Now start the simulation, the motor is start to rotate.   </strong> </p> 
+		<div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_5.png" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> 	<br>	
+<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Here is the video of connection and simulation.  </strong> </p>
+									  <body>  <iframe width="700" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/otJNiyGFALU"></iframe> </body> 
+									  <br><br>	
+<h4 id="segment"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>2. 7-Segement Display with Arduino Board</strong>  </h4>  
+  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> The seven segment display consists of seven LEDs arranged in a rectangular fashion as shown. Each of the seven LEDs is called a segment because when illuminated
+  the segment forms part of a numerical digit (both Decimal and Hex) to be displayed. An additional 8th LED is sometimes used within the same package thus allowing the indication of a decimal 
+  point, (DP) when two or more 7-segment displays are connected together to display numbers greater than ten.  </strong> </p> 
+  <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_6.jpg" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									  <br> 	<br>
+	<p style="justify-content: center"><strong>  Depending upon the decimal digit to be displayed, the particular set of LEDs is forward biased. For instance, to display the numerical digit 0, we will need
+									  to light up six of the LED segments corresponding to a, b, c, d, e and f. Thus the various digits from 0 through 9 can be displayed using a 7-segment display as shown. </strong> </p> 
+		                               <div class="row">			
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_7.gif" width="90%"
+                                        height="150" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									    <br> 	<br>		
+<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Here i have make the connection with Arduino board using TinkerCAD. </strong> </p> 
+<div class="row">			
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_8.png" width="75%"
+                                        height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									    <br> 	<br>
+<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> The programm for to display 1 to 3 digit is write here. </strong> </p> 
+<div class="row">
+<div class="column">
+    <img src="image/a12_9.png" alt="Snow" style="width:100%">
+  </div>
+  <div class="column">
+    <img src="image/a12_10.png" alt="Snow" style="width:100%">
+  </div>
+  </div>
+  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>Now start the simulation, the display shows 1 to 3 digit.   </strong> </p> 
+  <div class="row">			
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_11.png" width="75%"
+                                        height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									    <br> 	<br>
+  <h4 id="dcmotor"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>3. DC Motor and LED as a Output Device with Arduino Board</strong>  </h4>  
+  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Basically in my final project, i have to use two dc motor and two LED as a output device for working smart kitchen chimney.
+  Smoke sensor is taken as a input device in that case. So here i am trying to develope this board using TinkerCAD software. When i will be in lab, then i will use microcontroller ATtiny 44 IC
+  for the same input and output device. Lets see the connection made here</strong> </p>
+<div class="row">			
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_12.png" width="75%"
+                                        height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									    <br> <br>  
+	<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Here i am trying to develope the program directly using text.</strong> </p> 
+	<div class="row">			
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_13.png" width="75%"
+                                        height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									    <br> <br>  
+										<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Now start the simulation, there is a two LED is used, Red LED shows the power supply is "ON" and sensor is detecting the smoke </strong> </p> 
+	<div class="row">			
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_14.png" width="75%"
+                                        height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									    <br> <br>  
+										<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> As the smoke is detected by the sensor, the First DC motor will get start and green LED will blink
+In this case the smoke intensity is less so only one motor is getting start. 										</strong> </p> 
+	<div class="row">			
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_15.png" width="75%"
+                                        height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									    <br> <br>  
+										<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> As the smoke intensity is increased, the second motor is getting start. Both motor are now running </strong> </p> 
+	<div class="row">			
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_16.png" width="75%"
+                                        height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									    <br> <br> 
+<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Here is the video of connection and simulation.  </strong> </p>
+									  <body>  <iframe width="700" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ye-awhA4cTQ"></iframe> </body> 
+									  <br><br>
+<h4 id="design"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Board Design using Input and Output Devices for final project </strong>  </h4> 
+<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> As shwon in above simulation, this all devices I am going to use in my final project. So here i have develope the board in Eagle software.
+There is two DC motor are using to run a fan in kitchen chimney. The motor is around 5W rating, so i will use relay to controll the motor, because if I will directly connect thic motor on the board, due to high current
+the microcontroller may get damage, so here I have the motor relay to ON and OFF the motor. Relay is connected with the microcontroller i.e. ATtiny-44.This is actually the proposed board. 
+There will be littel bit changes I may do according to need.   </strong> </p> 		
+<div class="row">			
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_17.png" width="75%"
+                                        height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									    <br> <br> 
+<div class="row">			
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_18.png" width="75%"
+                                        height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									    <br> <br> 										
+<br> <br>
+									 <h4 id="What i learn" style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong> What i learn? </strong> </h4>
+								 <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> I am learn about <br>
+								 1. Different output devices used in electronics circuit. <br>
+								 2. Programming for output devices with taken the sensor value as a input. <br>
+								 3. Board design for input and output devices.
+								 </strong> </p>
+									  <a style="color:mediumvioletred" class="btn-new rom-middle animated" href="./file/file9.zip">Download my original file here</a> <br> <br>
+									  <p>Go to the <a href="#Introduction">top</a></p>
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+									<h2>Content</h2>
+								</header>
+								<ul class="style1">
+								<li class="first"><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#Week Task">Week Task</a> </li> <br>
+								<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#different">Different Output Devices</a></li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#individual">Individual Assignment</a></li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#servo">1.DC Servo Motor with Arduino Board</a> </li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#segment">2. 7-Segement Display with Arduino Board</a></li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#dcmotor">3. DC Motor and LED as a Output Device with Arduino Board</a></li><br>
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#design">Board Design</a></li><br>									
+									<li><span class="fa fa-check"></span><a href="#What i learn"> What I learn?</a> </li><br>
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+									<h2> <a href="assignment13.html">Assignment 13:Interface and Application Programming</a></h2>
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@@ -350,6 +350,20 @@
 								 5. 3D object scanning. <br>
 								 6. Preparation of scanned object for printing. <br>
 								 7. Application of 3D printers and scanners. </strong> </p>
+								 <br> <br>
+								 <h4 id="What i learn" style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong> Question and Answer </strong> </h4>
+								 <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> 1. Explain about bed and nozzle temperature <br>
+								 Ans: a. Nozzle Temperature: ABS melts somewhere between 210 and 250 °C. We will be able to play around with temperature settings in this range. We find, for example, that 235 °C does a pretty good job.
+                                 If we are running the extruder too hot, it is  notice a lot of strings created between the walls of the part. If we run it too cold, we might find it under-extruding. So here i am set the nozzel temperature around 240 °C. <br>
+								 b. Bed Temperature: The most important purpose of a heated bed is to eliminate warping, so setting the correct heated bed temperature is crucial. The temperature at which a plastic changes phase from a solid to molten liquid is 
+								 known as the glass transition temperature (Tg). So its need to set the heated bed temperature just above that point.For ABS, the glass transition temperature is 105 °C, hence a bed temperature of 110 °C should suffice. <br> <br>
+								 2.Which material you are using to print(PLA/ABS??) <br>
+								 Ans: ABS is the material used to print. ABS or Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene is a common thermoplastic. It’s a popular plastic for injection molding and it’s used to make legos, instruments, sports equipment and more.
+                                 ABS is a strong and heat resistant filament, with awesome post processing options. ABS also offers the possibility of a good surface finish. ABS reacts to acetone, which tends to smooth and polish the surface.
+								 It’s also a lot easier to sand ABS.  <br> <br>
+								 3.  Is this printed object is the part of project or if yes please mention.<br>
+								 Ans:  NO. The object is not the part of project. <br> <br>
 									  <a style="color:mediumvioletred" class="btn-new rom-middle animated" href="./file/file5.zip">Download my original file here</a> <br> <br>
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..835079c5a7074c7408fccf206857d8b43d2a43cd
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