diff --git a/assignment/assignment10.html b/assignment/assignment10.html
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@@ -71,9 +71,7 @@
 								 Sensors are devices that perform input function in a system as they ‘sense’ the changes in a quantity. The best example of a sensor is mercury thermometer. Here the quantity that is being measured 
 								 is heat or temperature. The measured temperature is converted to a readable value on the calibrated glass tube, based on the expansion and contraction of liquid mercury.</strong> </p>
-								 <h4 id="different"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Different Input Devices</strong>  </h4>  
-								   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>    </strong> </p>
 								   <h4 id="criteria"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Criteria to Choose a Sensor</strong>  </h4>  
 								   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> The following are certain features that are considered when choosing a sensor. <br>
 Type of Sensing: The parameter that is being sensed like temperature or pressure. <br>
@@ -222,6 +220,11 @@ the board. When the object is detected, the LED will blink.   </strong> </p>
 									  <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Here is the video of connection and simulation.  </strong> </p>
 									  <iframe width="700" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/P_qkoKYS8q8"> </iframe>  
+									  <br> <br>
+									  <h4 id="design"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino Board</strong>  </h4>
+									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>Now I have availed the ultrasonic sensor and Arduino board. So I am trying to make the connection and write the programm for 
+to read the sensor and print it on serial on monitor. Here I am putting the video of the connection and reading on serial monitor.  </strong> </p>
+<iframe width="700" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ENyzdDja-iE"> </iframe>  
 									  <br> <br>
 									   <h4 id="design"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Design of Smoke Sensor Board</strong>  </h4>
 									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> For final project, i have required smoke sensor, to sense the smoke get exhausted from the burning of fuel in kitchen for cooking.
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@@ -199,22 +199,82 @@ In this case the smoke intensity is less so only one motor is getting start.
 									  <body>  <iframe width="700" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ye-awhA4cTQ"></iframe> </body> 
 <h4 id="design"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Board Design using Input and Output Devices for final project </strong>  </h4> 
-<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> As shwon in above simulation, this all devices I am going to use in my final project. So here i have develope the board in Eagle software.
-There is two DC motor are using to run a fan in kitchen chimney. The motor is around 5W rating, so i will use relay to controll the motor, because if I will directly connect thic motor on the board, due to high current
-the microcontroller may get damage, so here I have the motor relay to ON and OFF the motor. Relay is connected with the microcontroller i.e. ATtiny-44.This is actually the proposed board. 
-There will be littel bit changes I may do according to need.   </strong> </p> 		
+<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> As shown in above simulation, this all devices I am going to use in my final project. So here i have develope the board in Eagle software.
+There is two DC motor are using to run a fan in kitchen chimney. The motor is around 5W rating, so i will use PNP MSFET to controll the motor, because if I will directly connect thic motor on the board, due to high current
+the microcontroller may get damage. PNP MOSFET is connected with the microcontroller i.e. ATtiny-44.Now I have come to the lab on 23 June and start working. Firstly I discuss with my instructor
+and make the necessary changes in this board. The final I have put here. The schematic design is as follows:   </strong> </p> 		
 <div class="row">			
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-                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_17.png" width="75%"
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_17.jpg" width="75%"
                                         height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
 									    <br> <br> 
+										<p style="justify-content: center"><strong> The board design is as follows: </strong> </p> 
 <div class="row">			
                                        <div class="col">
                                        <div class="card text-center">
-                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_18.png" width="75%"
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_18.jpg" width="75%"
                                         height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
-									    <br> <br> 										
+									    <br> <br> 
+<div class="row">			
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_19.png" width="75%"
+                                        height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									    <br> <br> 	
+<h4 id="design"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>Why PNP MOSFET? </strong>  </h4> 
+<p style="justify-content: center"><strong>   	The PNP transistor has a Positive-Negative-Positive type of configuration, with the arrow which also defines the Emitter terminal this time pointing inwards in the transistor symbol.
+ Also, all the polarities for a PNP transistor are reversed which means that it “sinks” current into its Base as opposed to the NPN transistor which “sources” current through its Base. The main difference between the two types of transistors is that
+ holes are the more important carriers for PNP transistors, whereas electrons are the important carriers for NPN transistors
+ So here I am selected PNP MOSFET because the load is connected to ground (0v) and the PNP transistor switches the power to it. 
+To turn the PNP transistor operating as a switch “ON”, the Base terminal is connected to ground or zero volts (LOW) </strong> </p> 
+<div class="row">			
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a12_20.gif" width="75%"
+                                        height="250" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									    <br> <br> 	
+<h4 id="design"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong>PCB Milling and Soldering</strong>  </h4> 
+<p style="justify-content: center"><strong>  Firslty the image is exported as a png file from the Eagle software. Then this file is converted into the rml file. 
+Two file is created one for trace and other for cut.
+Then file is loaded on SRM-20 PCB milling machine.(For more details refer my Assignment 5 and 7).  After milling the component is soldered on the PCB. and finally conductivity is tested. Now the Output board is ready.</strong> </p>
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+    <img src="image/a12_23.jpg" alt="Snow" style="width:100%">
+	  </div> 
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@@ -173,7 +173,11 @@ XMEGA – the ATxmega series.   </strong> </p>
 								 1. C <br> 2. C++<br>  3. Java <br> 4. Python<br>  5. Rust<br>  6. Ada <br> 7. JavaScript<br>  8. Go <br> 9. Lua<br> 
 								 10. B# <br> 11. Assembly Language <br> 12. C# <br> 13. Verilog<br>  14. VHDL<br>  15. Embedded C++
 								 </strong> </p>
-									   <h4 id="arduino"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong> Arduino Board Coding</strong>  </h4>
+								<h4 id="different"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong> Different IDE used for Embedded Programming</strong>  </h4>
+								 <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Following are the mostly used IDE for Embedded Programming<br>
+								 1. Atmel Studio  <br> 2.    Arduino<br>  3.  Eclipse AVR <br> 4.  Fireflybr<br>  5. Scratch<br>  6. Modkit <br> 
+								 </strong> </p>
+									   <h4 id="arduino"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong> Arduino Board Programming using C++ Language</strong>  </h4>
 								 <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Arduino code is written in C++ with an addition of special methods and functions, which we’ll mention later on. C++ is a human-readable programming language. When you create a ‘sketch’ (the name given to Arduino code files), 
 								 it is processed and compiled to machine language.The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is the main text editing program used for Arduino programming. It is where you’ll be typing up your code before uploading it to the board you want to program. Arduino 
 								 code is referred to as sketches. Here i used the Tinkercard software for learning this language and its simulation. The Tinkercard is a Autodesk free software which is used for Simulation and programming Arduino and breadboard components.
@@ -209,20 +213,123 @@ we can changen the value of resistence with unit also.									   </strong> </p>
 									 <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>  I have sharing the video of simulation of this programm. I have changing the time in code and observe the changes.  </strong> </p>
 									  <body>  <iframe width="700" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/EwY4mgfqd7E"></iframe> </body>
+									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> In an actual, I am trying this, for this prupose I have downloaded the Arduino IDE in my laptop, open it, then in click on file menu>expample>basic>blink. The blink programm will get open. </strong> </p>
+									   <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a8_12.jpg" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									   <br>
+									   <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a8_15.jpg" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+									   <br>
+									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>1. void setup()- It has a block of statements written inside parentheses. Here setup() is a function in APL (arduino programming language) used to declare configuration statements for the micro controller ports. 
+									 While playing with a micro controller, we need to configure different micro controller ports as INPUT source or OUTPUT. <br>
+									 2. pinMode (13, OUTPUT);- In this project we are going to blink an LED at port number 13 of micro controller. To blink an LED means, we have to turn it ON and OFF alternatively at a certain interval. So we are going to send commands to turn LED ON and OFF to port 13
+									 of micro controller (arduino board). To do so, we have to configure port 13 as OUTPUT in our program. This is achieved inside the void setup() block.  <br>
+									 3. void loop () - The next block begins with void loop() – here loop() is another predefined function in arduino programming language (APL).loop() is a function that indefinitely executes statements written inside its parentheses. This function enables the micro controller 
+									 (or arduino board) to do a set of actions as long as it is ON. In our case, those actions are turn LED ON and OFF at certain time intervals. So here is how we are going to tell arduino board to do the ON and OFF process. <br>
+									 4. digitalWrite(13, HIGH); – which is an instruction to write some data to a particular micro controller port in arduino board. We have connected LED to pin 13. To turn it ON, we have to supply a voltage at pin 13. We are going to do that via software commands. 
+									 Since our arduino board is connected to PC via USB, a +5 volts readily available. We need to pass this voltage to port 13 of arduino board. To do so, APL has a keyword 
+									 instruction called HIGH. So we just need to write an instruction digitalWrite(LED,HIGH); and this instruction when executed by micro controller will supply a +5 volts at port 13. This voltage will power LED and it will turn ON.
+									 5. digitalWrite(13,LOW); -  Now we need to turn LED OFF. We just need to disconnect the voltage supply given at port 13. This command will cut off supply at port 13 and LED will get OFF. <br>
+									 6. delay (250); - It is a setting a time interval in between ON and OFF time. The time given for delay is in Milli Seconds.
+									 </strong> </p>
+									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Then connection is done using Arduino Uno board and breadboard as per the above schematic>then click on tool>selcted the arduino uno board>programmer </strong> </p>
+                                        <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a8_13.jpg" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+								   <br>
+								    <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> There are two steps involved in loading the program from your PC to arduino board via the arduino IDE. First step is compiling and second step is called burning. Let’s see in detail.<br>
+									STEP 1:- Compiling  – This is the process of converting the code what we have  written in arduino IDE to another form which is only understood by the micro controller in our arduino board. Here, we use arduino uno board. 
+									It is made using Avr micro controller (Atmega328). In the arduino IDE, compiling is called as “verify“. <br>
+									STEP 2:- Burning – The word “burning” to refer to uploading a program to any micro controller. So in this step, we are going to upload the verified program in arduino IDE to the arduino board. To do this, press the “upload” button (see the button with right arrow mark).
+									A click on the “upload” button will begin the process of burning the compiled program to Avr micro controller on our arduino board. Depending on the size of our program, this will take a little time. If we look on our arduino board, we can see the 2 LED’s near Tx and Rx blinking. 
+									This is an indication of successful communication between your PC and arduino board. If the program has been uploaded successfully, we will see a message like “Done Uploading“. 
+									If the uploading process was not successful, you will see an error message accordingl. <br>
+									</strong> </p>
+                                        <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a8_14.jpg" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+								   <br>
+								    <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>  LED will get start to blink. This is the result  </strong> </p>
+									  <body>  <iframe width="700" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/-DOxoeX3cjM"> </iframe> </body>
+									  <br><br>
+									  <h4 id="arduino"  style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong> C Language Programm for my Board</strong>  </h4>
+									   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Now I am use C language for the LED blinking on my board. I have developed the board in assignment 7. Here I am tryed to upload this code for LED  Blinking on the board.The programm is as follows:</strong> </p>
+									   <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a8_16.jpg" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+								   <br> <br>
+								    <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Discussion about the command used in above code <br>
+									1. #define F_CPU 16000000: This command defining clock speed of the processor. <br>
+									2. #include < avr/io. h > : This header file includes the apropriate IO definitions for the device. Included are definitions of the IO register set and their respective bit values as specified in the Atmel documentation. <br>
+									3. #include <util/delay.h> :The functions in this header file are wrappers around the basic busy-wait functions from <util/delay_basic.h>. They are meant as convenience functions where actual time values can be specified rather than a number of cycles to wait for. <br>
+									4. int main (void) : It is the beginning of a function definition. Inside the curly braces that follow it, there are statements that are executed when your program runs. 
+									  "main" is the first function that will be called when you run your program."int" is the data type of the return value of the function. "(void)" is the list of parameters that main is expecting from its caller <br>
+								    5. DDRB = 0xFF; - DDRB is the Data Direction register for port “B”. This means that if you set this register to 0xFF (by running DDRB |= 0xFF ), all ports or pins in the “B” I/O port act as outputs.<br>
+									6. PORTB ^= 0xFF; - The comment he gives for the PORTB = 0xFF line is to enable pull-up on input port. <br>
+									7. delay_ms(1000); - This function is used generate delay during blink. It generates a delay of 1s for each count.
+								   </strong> </p>
+								   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> Firstly I have gone in Tool menu and then selected the following four option </strong> </p>
+								   <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a8_17.jpg" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+								   <br> <br>
+								   <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a8_18.jpg" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+								   <br> <br>
+								   <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a8_19.jpg" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+								   <br> <br>
+								   <div class="row">
+                                       <div class="col">
+                                       <div class="card text-center">
+                                       <div class="oval"><img src="image/a8_20.jpg" width="75%"
+                                   height="350" class="svg__image"> </div>
+								   <br> <br>
+								   <p style="justify-content: center"><strong>Now I have click on the verify button for compiling and the upload the code in the board. The following video shows the result</strong> </p>
+								    <body>  <iframe width="700" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6zu9wQbL640"> </iframe> </body>
 <br> <br>
-<h4 id="What problem" style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong> What problem i have faced? </strong> </h4>
-								 <p style="justify-content: center"><strong></strong> </p>
 									 <h4 id="What i learn" style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey" > <strong> What i learn? </strong> </h4>
 								 <p style="justify-content: center"><strong> I am learn about <br>
+								 1. Datasheet of the IC and its contain <br>
+								 2. Why to read datasheet and important of datasheet <br>
+								 3. Arduino board coding using C++ language <br>
+								 4. C language and programming for the designed board
 								 </strong> </p>
-									  <a style="color:mediumvioletred" class="btn-new rom-middle animated" href="./file/file.zip">Download my original file here</a> <br> <br>
+									  <a style="color:mediumvioletred" class="btn-new rom-middle animated" href="./file/file9.zip">Download my original file here</a> <br> <br>
 									  <p>Go to the <a href="#Introduction">top</a></p>
@@ -310,7 +417,8 @@ we can changen the value of resistence with unit also.									   </strong> </p>
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-					Design: <a href="http://templated.co">TEMPLATED</a> Images: <a href="http://unsplash.com">Unsplash</a> (<a href="http://unsplash.com/cc0">CC0</a>)
+<p><a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons Licence" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" property="dct:title">Fab Academy Course on Digital Fabrication</span> by <a xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" href="http://fabacademy.org/2020/labs/vigyanashram/students/nikhilkumar-more/" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Nikhilkumar More</a> is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License</a>.<br />Based on a work at <a xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" href="http://fabacademy.org/2020/labs/vigyanashram/students/nikhilkumar-more/" rel="dct:source">http://fabacademy.org/2020/labs/vigyanashram/students/nikhilkumar-more/</a>.<br />Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at <a xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" href="http://fabacademy.org/2020/labs/vigyanashram/students/nikhilkumar-more/about%20me.html" 
+			  rel="cc:morePermissions">http://fabacademy.org/2020/labs/vigyanashram/students/nikhilkumar-more//contact.html</a></p>
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diff --git a/assignment/image/a8_16.jpg b/assignment/image/a8_16.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4da34d9ba2bf1022cc71d3feeef1ae51476097b
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignment/image/a8_16.jpg differ
diff --git a/assignment/image/a8_17.jpg b/assignment/image/a8_17.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..94ee760f537d71b45c8f15e809b47aa340c286f0
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignment/image/a8_17.jpg differ
diff --git a/assignment/image/a8_18.jpg b/assignment/image/a8_18.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..26fde745be144bd0e0d8ccda41d72560435eeda8
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignment/image/a8_18.jpg differ
diff --git a/assignment/image/a8_19.jpg b/assignment/image/a8_19.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..41428831b3de240e2f73c02930f5d4bc22397588
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignment/image/a8_19.jpg differ
diff --git a/assignment/image/a8_20.jpg b/assignment/image/a8_20.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e991686bf126032f3c0a1a4f77130b44a501ffa5
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignment/image/a8_20.jpg differ