diff --git a/docs/fabrixiao.html b/docs/fabrixiao.html
index e5029b2c9f118f3245dacced0d69a5161d74ca0e..a76795d57b93f104849a59bd1ca56d78e2aea621 100644
--- a/docs/fabrixiao.html
+++ b/docs/fabrixiao.html
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                             <ul class="actions">
 												<li><a href="#introduction" class="button primary">Introduction</a></li>
-												<li><a href="#features" class="button primary">Features</a></li>
+                                                <li><a href="#history" class="button primary">History</a></li>
+                                                <li><a href="#features" class="button primary">Features</a></li></ul>
+                           <ul class="actions">     
                                                 <li><a href="#datasheetRP" class="button primary">Datasheet RP2040</a></li>
-                                                <li><a href="#datasheetESP" class="button primary">Datasheet ESP32-C3</a></li></ul>
-                            <ul class="actions"> 
+                                                <li><a href="#datasheetESP" class="button primary">Datasheet ESP32-C3</a></li>
                                                 <li><a href="#bom" class="button primary">BOM and Schematic</a></li> 
                                                 <li><a href="#board" class="button primary">Board design</a></li></ul>
                             <ul class="actions">     
                                                 <li><a href="#programmingRP" class="button primary">Programming RP2040</a></li>
@@ -112,15 +112,34 @@
                         <h1><a id="introduction"></a>Introduction</h1>      
-                        <p>After making the Fab-Xiao, my colleague <a href="http://wiki.textile-academy.org/fabricademy2017/students/nuria.robles"><b>Nuria Robles</b></a> was thinking about using the Xiao for Fabricademy. The idea was to have a microcontroller that was easier to program than the ATtiny45 or the commercial <a href="https://blog.adafruit.com/2017/10/11/celebrating-10-years-of-the-lilypad-arduino/"><b>Lilypad</b></a></p>
+                        <p>After making the Fab-Xiao, my colleague <a href="http://wiki.textile-academy.org/fabricademy2017/students/nuria.robles"><b>Nuria Robles</b></a> was thinking about using the Xiao for Fabricademy. The idea was to have a microcontroller that was easier to program than the ATtiny45 or the commercial <a href="https://blog.adafruit.com/2017/10/11/celebrating-10-years-of-the-lilypad-arduino/"><b>Lilypad.</b></a></p>
                         <p>So after several tests and trials, the Fabrixiao was born. You can use a <a href="https://www.seeedstudio.com/XIAO-RP2040-v1-0-p-5026.html"><b>Seeed Studio Xiao RP2040 model</b></a> or a <a href="https://www.seeedstudio.com/Seeed-XIAO-ESP32C3-p-5431.html"><b>Seeed Studio Xiao ESP32-C3</b></a> if you want a bluetooth or wireless connection.</p>    
                         <p>For this I want to document the process of creating a dev board and several examples of inputs and outputs with this board.</p>
-                        <p><img src="images/fabxiao/fabxiao_board.jpg" width="70%"; max-width="700" /></p>
+                        <p><img src="images/fabrixiao/fabrixiao_board.jpg" width="80%"; max-width="700" /></p>
+                        <h1><a id="history"></a>History</h1>        
+                        <p>As I mentioned before, the evolution of textile electronics at the <a href="https://fabricademy.fabcloud.io/handbook/classes/05_etextiles/"><b>Fabricademy</b></a> has had several phases. The use of the small <a href="https://vimeo.com/892336267/2755bc1f04?share=copy"><b>ATtiny45</b></a> microcontroller programmed with tweezers or the <a href="https://blog.adafruit.com/2017/10/11/celebrating-10-years-of-the-lilypad-arduino/"><b>Lilypad Arduino</b></a> using an FTDI to program it. This made it more complex for students to program and assemble their e-textile circuit. Here I show two examples created by <a href="http://wiki.textile-academy.org/fabricademy2017/students/nuria.robles"><b>Nuria Robles.</b></a>.</p>
+                        <p><img src="images/fabrixiao/attiny_lilypad.jpg" width="80%"; max-width="700" /></p>   
+                        <p>During 2023, the new family of Seeed Studio microcontrollers, the <a href="https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/SeeedStudio_XIAO_Series_Introduction/"><b>Xiao,</b></a> was introduced at the Fab Academy. That's why in my case I designed and manufactured the <a href="fabxiao.html"><b>Fab-Xiao.</b></a> When Nuria saw it, she thought it was a good idea to use it in the Fabricademy. That's how the two of us designed a first prototype to be manufactured in the Fab Lab. That year, Nuria recommended her student <a href="https://class.textile-academy.org/2023/ieva-dautartaite/project/"><b>Ieva Marija</b></a> to use the Xiao for her final project.</p>
+                        <p>Finally, during 2024, at the end of June, I decided to redesign the board so that it could be manufactured in a PCB factory in order to be able to distribute it all over the world. At the Fab Lab León, the board was used during a mini Fabricademy together with friends from <a href="https://www.wedofablab.it/blog/erasmus-workshop-mini-fabricademy-2"><b>WeDo Fab Lab.</b></a></p>    
+                        <p><img src="images/fabrixiao/nuria_xiao.jpg" width="80%"; max-width="700" /></p> 
+                        <p>A very exciting moment for me was the presentation of the Fabrixiao during <a href="https://fab24.fabevent.org/"><b>FAB 24</b></a> in Puebla (Mexico) to the <a href="https://textile-academy.org/"><b>Fabricademy</b></a> gurus, <a href="https://fablabbcn.org/team/anastasia-pistofidou"><b>Anastasia Pistofidou</b></a> and <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/claudiasim/"><b>Claudia Simonelli,</b></a> together with Nuria Robles (<a href="https://waag.org/en/cecilia-raspanti/"><b>Cecilia Raspanti</b></a> will be presented by Henk Buursen). ❤️</p>    
+                        <p><img src="images/fabrixiao/fabricademy_gurus.jpg" width="80%"; max-width="700" /></p> 
+                        <!-- <a href=""><b></b></a> -->
                         <h1><a id="features"></a>Features</h1>
                             <ul><li>Identification of the power supply pins 5V in red, 3V3 in blue and GND in white.  
                             <li>On the left there are 4 outputs or inputs with VCC and GND on each side to be able to connect different inputs or outputs. 
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56eb37e1af90c39d51f15a9a4188454fd6d2407f
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/fabrixiao/fabricademy_gurus.jpg differ
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..60ec3f3f2d982ad407698b0f86f70ff3cdf111d0
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/fabrixiao/fabrixiao_board.jpg differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2bf9f1b967054c1551e47924f62892c0f1c26edd
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/fabrixiao/nuria_xiao.jpg differ