title: Electronics design. Group 2 Work. 
summary: Group work. Testing microcontroller.
show_authors: true
    - name: Akseli Uunila
      url: http://fabacademy.org/2023/labs/oulu/students/akseli-uunila/
    - name: Abhishek Kumar
      url: http://fabacademy.org/2023/labs/oulu/students/abhishek-kumar/
    - name: Aarne Pohjonen
      url: https://fabacademy.org/2023/labs/oulu/students/aarne-pohjonen/

# Group work for week 6

This week we tested a microcontroller power usage with a multimeter.
We demonstrated the use of an oscilloscope in 
[week 4](https://fabacademy.org/2023/labs/oulu/group_assignments/group2/assignment4/).

For the power measurement, we applied the [code](https://fabacademy.org/2023/labs/oulu/students/akseli-uunila/assignments/week_04/#source-code) written by Akseli Uunila

We measured the power consumption from the usb connection 

We did the measurement for three different stages of the program.

In the first one, the color of the neopixel led was set as bright white color, which drew highest amoung of current.

In the second one, the color of the neopixel led was set as blue color, which drew less current

Finally, the neopixel led was not burning, which drew least current.