# Ingredient template *Below is the template for documenting and researching an ingredient. An example of one that is filled in (for glycerine) can by found [here](../../../files/example_glycerine/)* # [Ingredient name] [Ingredient name (alternative names 1, 2)] **What is it and how is it produced or sourced?** [Free text] **What are its possible functions in biofabricating?** *e.g. plasticizer, filler, colorant, PH modifier, mordant, solvent, release agent, curing agent, softener, and so on* *example: dried and ground egg shells can be used as filler in bioplastics, to add strength and reduce shrinkage. * [Free text] **Processing information** If applicable: - Dissolves in: [free text, e.g. cold/warm/hot water, alcohol] - PH value: [number 1-14] **Selecting the right type** *How do you know if you are getting the right type (in nature/at the shop)? Or can you use any? For example, carbonate and bicarbonate soda are significantly different, but you may find it is referred to as "soda"* [Free text] ## Local abundance **Where are you located?** [City, Country] **Can this ingredient be found in nature there?** Yes/No **If not, please describe or list local suppliers and price** This ingredient is best purchased....[INSERT SUPPLIER INFO] and costs about [NUMBER] in [CURRENCY] per [NUMBER][UNIT]. **If store-bought, find out where the ingredient was produced. How far is the production source from where you are?** Select one: - Less than 100 km (locally abundant - Less than 500 km - Less than 2000 km - More than 2000 km ##Eco-compatibility\* *Type and amount of energy used to produce this ingredient, e.g. does it require a lot of water, heat, chemicals?* [Free text] \**Note: The concept of eco-compatibility is taken from: Lerma, Beatrice (2010). Materials ecoefficiency and perception. Proceedings: CESB 2010 Prague - Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 'From Theory to Practice': pp. 1-8.* **Toxicity** *Is this ingredient toxic to humans/animals?* [Yes/No/Not sure] [Please provide additional details] **Distance from origin to site of use** *In which region(s) of the world is this produced? Is it related to specific natural contexts or industries (e.g. near sea or rivers, in hot humid climates).* [Free text] **Shelf life** *Look up shelf life & expiry date, but also use of senses to check: can you see when it’s off, can you smell it?* [Free text] **Vegan** *Is it made without the use of any animal products?* Yes/No/Not sure **Is this a by-product is it found in a waste stream?** *Is this ingredient a by-product or does it come from waste streams* Yes/No/Not sure [Describe in which contexts this resource can be found in abundance] **Renewable** *Can this resource be naturally replenished on a human timescale?* Yes/No/Not sure *What do you know about how long it takes for this ingredient regrow?Which plants/micro organisms grow this ingredient? How long does it take them to regenerate? Under which conditions?* [Describe how long it takes to regrow] ## Cultural & historical information *Historically, what were the uses of this ingredient? In which contexts were these uses discovered? When? By whom? How did it travel to other places?* [Free text] ##Concerns **Describe how this ingredient has been or might be contested. What are the issues and concerns? Which arguments are put forward?** *may be cultural, health-wise, ecological, social, cultural, political, economical arguments* [Free text] ##References *Please provide information to the references used* - **Title** by [name], [publication channel], [date]: [link](URL HERE)