diff --git a/docs/assignments/week09.md b/docs/assignments/week09.md
index 60fecc440cd7594e05e3b2c7f4c0b7ce12e834bc..205339b1159822e44e04d797f9f43d230f578096 100644
--- a/docs/assignments/week09.md
+++ b/docs/assignments/week09.md
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ As I started to elaborate the design I was struggling with very long waiting tim
 When I baked I got like 10 shapes instead of one. And the random number generator was creating 144 values where I was expecting 7. So instead of directly connecting the output of the ball locations I put a [List Length] component after it and used that as input for the random generator. This fixed everything! Just one bake, and no more waiting. 
-Then I assessed a design I liked carefully with [DimAlign] in Rhino. I checked that the deep cavities were not too steep, and most corners and negative space between balls can be done with 5mm milling bit. I know it won't be perfectly sharp between the balls for the positive mold but I'm hoping that the negative mold part can compensate a bit for it.
+Then I assessed a design I liked carefully with [DimAlign] in Rhino. I checked that the deep cavities were not too steep, and most corners and negative space between balls can be done with 5mm milling bit (2 flutes). I know it won't be perfectly sharp between the balls for the positive mold but I'm hoping that the negative mold part can compensate a bit for it.
 ![](../images/wk09_unmillable.jpg)*Unmillable parts of the design that needed to be changed, Loes Bogers, 2019.*
@@ -180,6 +180,12 @@ Here we kept most settings the same because I plan to use the same milling bit.
 And this is a familiar step! The infamous zeroing of the machine using the metal bar. Always take a picture. Well here it is :) I ended up needing it too so that was a nice reminder. 
 ![](../images/wk09_zeroing.jpg)*Zeroing the machine, Loes Bogers, 2019*
+After all this lenghty setup setup setup up, I could see the simulation of the toolpaths and prepare the machine for milling! 
+<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/SAZ9OL8TPfo?controls=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
+*Simulation of the toolpaths the milling machine would run for me, Loes Bogers, 2019*
 **Issues and solutions**
 During the last run of the roughing toolpath, the nut of the machine touched the surface of the foam on the edges, the tool depth was not enough to prevent this. Even though we thought we measured and calculated everything. The cavity ended up being too deep for the milling bit. Ouch! I paused the machine of course but there wasn't much I could do in the middle of a job. So Maud – who was interning at the lab – switched off the machine to prevent burning. We discussed if I could salvage the design, and because it was only doing the very last path, it was worth trying to do the finishing toolpath anyway, even though it hadn't totally finished the roughing. The soft foam would probably be cut away just fine. And it did! I had to export the finishing toolpath separately again, double checked the zeroes of the machine and ran the finishing path. 
@@ -209,7 +215,74 @@ One corner of my foam started to come off of the bed a little bit. I'd fastened
 ![](../images/wk09_finesnowballs.jpg)*But finally, finished snowballs. A bit damaged by the skirt. Note the deeper lines on the right side where to foam lifted a little, Loes Bogers, 2019*
-Due to time constraints this week, I just made the positive mold to try out some techniques. If the machine is available later in the week I will mill the negative mold as well. 
+Due to time constraints this week, I just made the positive mold to try out some techniques. Unfortunately there was no more machine time left after all our students did their milling so I couldn't make the negative mold. Instead, I laser cut the outline of the shapes from a piece of acrylic that I could use the clamp down the leather to push it into the corners. 
+##Gcode study
+I also tried to figure out a little bit using this [reference document](https://www.shopbottools.com/ShopBotDocs/files/ComRef.pdf). Below is a snippet from the first part of the Gcode that is actually quite readable if you look up the abbreviations. I annotated it to understand a little. Because I was missing only one path of the roughing, we were wondering if I could just change the gcode file to just run the last few lines. I didn't do it because, well, not sure what the hell I'd be doing, but wanted to know if it would be possible. With a bit of studying it should be doable I think. 
+// Dimensions I put in for the material
+'Minimum extent in X = 0.000 Minimum extent in Y = 0.000 Minimum extent in Z = -50.000
+'Maximum extent in X = 300.000 Maximum extent in Y = 300.000 Maximum extent in Z = 0.000
+// 300x300 and sunk down 5 mm
+'Length of material in X = 300.000
+'Length of material in Y = 300.000
+'Depth of material in Z = 50.000
+'Home X = 0.000000 Home Y = 0.000000 Home Z = 2.000000
+'Rapid clearance gap or Safe Z = 2.000
+IF %(25)=0 THEN GOTO UNIT_ERROR	'check to see software is set to standard
+SA  'Set program to absolute coordinate mode
+CN, 90
+'New Path
+/// Roughing toolpath using the toolsettings from Henk
+'Toolpath Name = Roughing Toolpath - Top
+'Tool Name   = 5mm flat 2 flutes (henk-fabacademy2018)
+// Modifications we made to those settings: pass depth and stepover
+&PWSafeZ = 2.000
+&PWMaterial = 50.000
+'&ToolName = "5mm flat 2 flutes (henk-fabacademy2018)"
+&Tool =1                    'Jog Z axis to safe height
+C6                   'Return tool to home in x and y
+// MS = Move Speed Set (we set feedrate to 120 mm/s)
+// JZ = Jog on the Z-axis (move up or down)
+// J2 = Jog 2 dimensions (move to a point on x & y axis)
+// J3 = Jog 3 dimensions (move to new point on x,y and z axis
+// M3 = Move on 3 dimensions using the milling speed
@@ -273,6 +346,14 @@ I studied some samples at the lab and talked to Cecilia about the leather moldin
 ![](../images/wk09_leatherexamples.JPG)*Examples at the Textile Lab in Amsterdam, Loes Bogers, 2019*
+**Massaging the leather**
+I spent about an hour massaging the leather with hot water, to form a little bit into the shape, before I put it in a vacuum bag, it helped a lot to cover all the deeper cavities a bit better. Before I was just getting creases and it was hard to control the vacuum. When it was a bit manually preformed this was easier. Can't wait to take it out!
+![](../images/wk09_leathermanual.jpg)*Manually massaging and forming the wet warm leather onto the mold, Loes Bogers, 2019*
+![](../images/wk09_leathervacuum.jpg)*The mold in a vacuum bag, using a cotton canvas as a bleeder, and a ball of yarn as a breather (worked reallly well! Loes Bogers, 2019*
diff --git a/docs/files/wk09_mold_combinedtoolpath.LOG b/docs/files/wk09_mold_combinedtoolpath.LOG
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9de79347397546f39984877d3698f50dd12abcb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/files/wk09_mold_combinedtoolpath.LOG
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Last Not Complete Stopped@Line 26524 |Cut Mode|  Elapsed: 00:39:55  Reps:  1  ConsoleMvSpeed 120.00  FileEndSpeed 119.5    15:15:43  11-21-2019
+ File Completed:No  Ln:26524 Max: 255.02, 255.02, 2.00  Min: 0.00, 0.00,- 42.00  Offset:no  Brks=3  TBCs: 172.837, 139.533, -1446.046  Props: 1.000, 1.000, 1.000
diff --git a/docs/images/wk09_leathermanual.jpg b/docs/images/wk09_leathermanual.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..682dc31815bb52799613f19daeee19590adcc4f1
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/wk09_leathermanual.jpg differ
diff --git a/docs/images/wk09_leathervacuum.jpg b/docs/images/wk09_leathervacuum.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be37b320621f40fa7e98d68ed8ba455510202aa7
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/wk09_leathervacuum.jpg differ